
Showing posts from 2018

The Power of Setting Goals

Happy New Year! As we roll on into 2018 I hope this post finds you doing well. I hope you had time to relax and reflect over the break. If you’re like many high-achievers you at least briefly considered making some sort of New Year’s resolution, pledge, vow, or goal, even if it was just in your mind. Whether you’ve made new goals for 2018 or just resolved to follow through on goals you made last year (like me resolving to post more on this blog!) I hope that at least one of those goals is something professional in nature. Whatever your goal(s), here are some ideas on how to help you follow through: Follow the SMART framework: A whole post could be done on this point alone. Is your goal specific and measurable (e.g. “Do quick formative checks with students three times per period.” vs. “Do more formative assessment.”)? Is it attainable ; is it within your power to accomplish within a reasonable amount of time? Is it relevant ; is it a goal worth working toward? Is it timely